Wednesday, 17 February 2010

IYADWYHADUWAGWYHAG (how true, is not it!)

I found below line in an article and thought of sharing it with my readers.

"If you always do, what you have always done, you will always get, what you have always got. (IYADWYHADUWAGWYHAG)"

Well in reality it is true. At least I feel it is true till some extend besides that practice makes a man perfect and perfection brings better results. Which in-turn results in improved outcome and who knows one day in an invention.

We can take any example from our day to day life. Present perfect tense is a perfect example of this where things are always true and repeats on a regular interval and we get the same result each time. If I am to use the same recipe for my cooking, my curry will taste the same. I would not like to bore you with tones of examples but the morale of this writing is that you must step out of your shoes and try something different and you might surprise yourself. That is what they call "Thinking outside the box".

It can be used in motivational speeches, where you really want people to think big and think differently. This thinking may one day result in an innovation or at least in new ways of working more effectively and efficiently.

Another message for this week: Live Today As A Best Day Of Your Life. Ask me why if you do not understand.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Time Management or is it an event management

Today I Will Talk About Time Management or in Reality Event Management, Which in my Experience can Change our Everyday Life Dramatically

So, everything we do in our life needs to bind to a time pattern. Although, many times we do not realise that we are bound to a schedule but if we consider our everyday life we will be able to recognise this patterns of schedule tasks we follow everyday (sleep, wakeup, shower, breakfast, lunch, dinner, office, weekend party :) etc...).

So how to manage our time, bases on my experience it is difficult to even start with a set pattern after all we all are human, not a machine which we program once and will always behave in an identical way.

So here are few tips from my own experience. They do work quite well when I need to plan my week or even month in some cases (holidays and weekend not included :-)).

Tip 1 - I believe we can set ourselves in few boundaries like I should not spend more then 30 minutes on a particular event in my daily routine. For an example, I should not take more then 45 minutes for my lunch everyday.

Drop2 - Do not try to finish many jobs at the same time, try to concentrate on one thing at time to start with and if you feel that it is taking to long to process/finish (like file download) start another task but only if you strongly believe that you have good balance between both tasks. Else, do only one thing at a time and soon you will realise that all the tasks would disappear from your list.

Hint3 - Set time for everything you do, in the beginning it may take a little while for you to decide how much time you should register against each task but with experience you will be able to forecast more and more smoothly. Set the priority, below tips may be helpful

Set a to-do list and always AIMS big

A – Action-Centred

I - Incremental

M - Measurable

S – Scheduled

Also set the task on priority matrix where you rate everything in below table:

I- Urgent and Important

II – Important but nor urgent

III – Urgent but nor important

IV – Neither urgent nor important

Lead4 - Use different mode of reminders (like clock, mobile, email, calendar, diary, PA etc...) to remind you about your tasks and the initial timeline set for the task.

Shadow5 - If you slip and/or finish the work much before the set target always investigate why? What caused me not to able to finish the work in time or why could I finish it before hand. The answers to above questions will surely help in future predictions.

Use this time equation to measure time spends on each task (based on your investigation and experiences). (This has been taken from some book can not remember the reference).

Like Time x 4

+ Shortest possible time

+ Longest possible time


All divided by 6


Likely possible time

Suggestion 6 - Allow time based on priority, set goals so that you do not have to rush during deadlines.


Message of the Day: - So the outcome is that divide your life in various activities and manage them based on priorities and what do they mean for you in your professional as well as in personal life.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Life in a Glass Pond ..Just a thought

I have already written something similar in my past blog's too

A fish in a pond.. no no she is in the sea (the queen to ocean..).. no no....actually she is in a glass pond (poor fish)... a big one ... haaaaaaaa na na(no)... ok then a small one....don't know....

life in a pond.... What?
it is in a glass pond.... Are you drunk!
not really a glass pond but an invisible pond...Oh Boy! you are gone complet mad!
no no....may be...:-D....
actually it is in pond but not made of glass, a make of invisible is!

I think, some one must be watching us as we watch fishes in a fish pond. Taking good care of us by sending little and big surprises on timely basis.

Fish is in a lake, no no.. she is in a river, no no.. she is in sea.. come on can not you see she is in ocean....!!!

now think again.. life in a vilage, no no.. it is in a town, no no..... it is in a city... come on can not you see it is in a Metropolitan.

Now I will let you think for a while and will come back with more examples and comparison in future.. of course suggestions are always welcome.

I know you do not believe in what I am saying but that is alright not many people can understand what I am talking about in this blog and I do not care either... thanks for reading anyway. ...;-) you will soon develop the taste for my type of writing.

First post titles as "First Learn to Dream"

Hello my reader, I am talking to you. you the one who is currently reading it. This is my first post on this blog. I used to write one but then I discounted it, do not ask me why, God only can answer that question.

Ok the title of today's post is "First Learn to Dream"

What, Oh my God! did I just say that first we need to learn how to dream. I guess I did! well why on earth did I say that. You must also be thinking that is he insane, does he even know that one does not need to learn or infact you can not learn how to dream. Dreams will find there on way in your sleep while you would be unconsciously relaxing and trying to regain the lost energy.

But my friend everything in this world we achieve was someone's dream one day. It only came into existence because someone dreamed about it. I am more talking about conscious state of mind where mind can think and plan. Can plan that what it needs to achieve in next xyz time/years. We have the tools in hand to make that dream a success one day. When a solution architect thought of a solution for a given problem domain, he/she only dreamed till the time it gets fulfilled and once it got fulfilled it was not a dream anymore. All of us can experience it. Therefore always remember that you must dream big so that one day it could be your reality. And that day you would smile and say that yes I dreamed about it. Yes, I know how to dream!