So, everything we do in our life needs to bind to a time pattern. Although, many times we do not realise that we are bound to a schedule but if we consider our everyday life we will be able to recognise this patterns of schedule tasks we follow everyday (sleep, wakeup, shower, breakfast, lunch, dinner, office, weekend party :) etc...).
So how to manage our time, bases on my experience it is difficult to even start with a set pattern after all we all are human, not a machine which we program once and will always behave in an identical way.
So here are few tips from my own experience. They do work quite well when I need to plan my week or even month in some cases (holidays and weekend not included :-)).
Tip 1 - I believe we can set ourselves in few boundaries like I should not spend more then 30 minutes on a particular event in my daily routine. For an example, I should not take more then 45 minutes for my lunch everyday.
Drop2 - Do not try to finish many jobs at the same time, try to concentrate on one thing at time to start with and if you feel that it is taking to long to process/finish (like file download) start another task but only if you strongly believe that you have good balance between both tasks. Else, do only one thing at a time and soon you will realise that all the tasks would disappear from your list.
Hint3 - Set time for everything you do, in the beginning it may take a little while for you to decide how much time you should register against each task but with experience you will be able to forecast more and more smoothly. Set the priority, below tips may be helpful
Set a to-do list and always AIMS big
A – Action-Centred
I - Incremental
M - Measurable
S – Scheduled
Also set the task on priority matrix where you rate everything in below table:
I- Urgent and Important
II – Important but nor urgent
III – Urgent but nor important
IV – Neither urgent nor important
Lead4 - Use different mode of reminders (like clock, mobile, email, calendar, diary, PA etc...) to remind you about your tasks and the initial timeline set for the task.
Shadow5 - If you slip and/or finish the work much before the set target always investigate why? What caused me not to able to finish the work in time or why could I finish it before hand. The answers to above questions will surely help in future predictions.
Use this time equation to measure time spends on each task (based on your investigation and experiences). (This has been taken from some book can not remember the reference).
Like Time x 4
+ Shortest possible time
+ Longest possible time
All divided by 6
Likely possible time
Suggestion 6 - Allow time based on priority, set goals so that you do not have to rush during deadlines.
Message of the Day: - So the outcome is that divide your life in various activities and manage them based on priorities and what do they mean for you in your professional as well as in personal life.
Great post! Very helpful.
ReplyDeleteJust a cheeky question I have -
Should one also allocate time for the stuff we do unconsciously, which might interfere in our conscious and concretely defined timelines (for example, do I say in my diary that I would only think about somebody at this particular time :-))?